Anapanasati Retreat: Contemplating dhammas, contemplating Dhamma
~~ February 16 – 22 (Sunday through Saturday)
This retreat focuses on the ultimate section of Anapanasati — Dhamma, natural realities and truths — concluding the series begun with foundations in February 2023, then feeling tones in August 2023, and mind-heart in January 2024. Now, we will explore how the previous explorations of breathing, body, vedanas, and citta culminate in sustained contemplation of the ephemeral nature of all experience, how habits of clinging fade and dissolve, the quenching that no longer supports egoistic reactivity, and the celebration of release. We will circle back to the earlier stages and domains, now directly contemplating them as Dhamma (natural truth, realities) independent of “me” and “mine.”
— Retreat details here (updated on 2/08)